Birthday - Chidi Young Adds Plus One On Nigerian 58th Independence Day.

New things are happening on daily basis , there will never be a day with out some thing new taking place knowingly or unknowingly but to day,  the new thing happening is about  chidi young and Nigeria at 58.

chidi young pic, Nigeria independent day
Image source- snap chidi young birthday picture.

The most important thing to know to day being October 1 is Chidiadi Anyanwu  (a.k.a) chidi young is plus one (+ 1 ) 

second thing to know to day is  Nigeria is Celebrating her 58th independence day.

so directly  to  day goes to chidi young  as he celebrate his birthday with happiness as it was said by celine dion Glory be to God and all the sensible and nonsensical shout  out today goes to Nigeria as she Celebrate her 58th independent day.

Note :-  Nigeria as a sovereign nation is 58 years old today being October 1 / 2018 

nigeria , independent day ,chidi young pic
Nigeria at 58 

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  1. my special thanks goes to God almighty for his kindness to me from day one of my life till Now even as far as ahead of me.😁😁😂

  2. More long life ,success and greatness great bro

