Olugbenga Alabi becomes Olabisi Onabanjo Univerisity's first distinction graduate in Medicine


Achieving a distinction in Medicine in Olabisi Onabanjo University seemed an impossible but it seems that’s not the case anymore because, Olugbenga Alabi, has broken the record with 7 distinctions out of 10 courses.

Alabi was honored at the school’s combined convocation which ended on Tuesday, February 7.
In an interview with The Nation, Alabi, expressed joy on his achievement. He said: “I’m glad I achieved the feat of being the first to graduate with MBChB with Honours in the history of this university.”

I first read about the requirements (for making distinction) during my 100-Level days, and I felt it was not possible to get it. But now, that is history because someone has done it. I give Allah all the glory as well as my teachers and mentors.”

He also talked about his personal life. He said: “Concerning girlfriends, I have many. But my fiancé is just one (laughs). She has really tried for me in so many areas.”
He further said he believes not only in prayer but combining one’s spirituality with hard work. 

 Prayer is number one key. But we should also be diligent and hardworking. We must learn to strike the iron when it is hottest. I mean reading when you can best assimilate and teach your colleagues or engage in academic discourse with them. Humility is another key to making it in life, forming the habit of having good mentors and seeking advice from them is another.”
Alabi was asked to speak to deliver the valedictory speech during the convocation.

“Getting to the zenith of a man’s aspiration is substantially determined by God and not by human’s efforts.”
“As I stand before all of you today, what has put me on the podium to present this valedictory speech on behalf of my colleagues may be because of my outstanding academic performance. But I do not see it that way; rather, I see it as God’s favour and blessing, for I do not know anything except that which God has taught me. He is the Omniscient.” 

“Only God grants success, it is important we read in addition to praying. Also important is imparting knowledge unto others. Know when you assimilate the most and make the best use of that time.”

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