Chidi young's Today | Don't Ever give Up On That Dream, It Has The chance Of Relevance.


image source; itel A56pro/ chidi young picture

Don't Ever give Up On That Dream! in each person on earth, there is a certain kind of positive strike similarly to electric shock which we do have in, on, through and by our self that  occasionally reminds us what we can do but sometime, we are somehow afraid to start, to try, to get on doing it yes, we are often too afraid of criticism, afraid of failure, afraid of being laugh at by those who we called our friends, our confrere, our peers, imagine that! and these sometimes and it generally does make us spooky of our dream!

 In fact, we tend to be afraid of unknown, if i may say it outright. But what ever that thing is, mostly, only you knows about it because it always comes from the inside, not outside and you alone are aware of what chidi young is talking about right now! sometimes, it silents all other activities especially when it's hot on you, it even makes you suspend, postpone and ignore your meal for a while and some times, it does keep you awake in the night and leave you with a trace of satisfaction when your are through doing it, or when you are done with it.

 Here is chidi young's quote that will help drive home the point "dreamers are the rulers in every thriving field of ideal endeavor" Don't give up on that dream, hey! the chance to be significant to your world, to the world and in life lies in your dream. 

image source Itel A56pro/ chidi young New picture a.k.a Anyanwu simon chidiadi

I have a question to ask, this question will better shape our focus on this topic and i called this question Bq (Big question) here it come; what is your dream? this question is personal, so take a few minutes to attend to the question.

secondly, do you have a dream? 

Hey, it is important to know this; in 1963 Martin Luther King Jr, acclaimed i have a dream; a dream deep rooted in American dream! now, African-American are virtual in the fullness of martin Luther king Jr's dream. This is the simplest illustration which shows that having dream is important, and how paramount a dream can be.

 in 1885, Henry Ford dreamt of automobile, he went on to achieved his dream in 1901 after 16 years of trial and error, today we do see cars inscribe Ford and hopefully we like it. 

let take a look into Joseph's life, Joseph is an Israeli  sold to Egypt; Joseph lived around 1600-1700 B.C.E in  Egypt. Back then  Joseph said he dreamt dream, his dream which in summary indicates power and glory and after Joseph's long years of servant-hood in Egypt,  thirteen (13) years of that matter and even from prison, Joseph went on to became a prime minister in a foreign nation (Egypt) at the age of thirty years (30 years). Joseph's dream affected a whole country and beyond. 

Jacob 11th son/ Joseph in Egypt/ Genesis Book / Bible

Form the above emphasis, your dream can affect of course your family, your community, your state, your nation and the world, this is the reason why chidi young is telling you today,  don't ever give up on that dream, it can affect the entire world, today we see Ford cars in Africa (Nigeria of course, Ghana, South Africa, Gambia, Senegal, Kenya, Cameroon, Ethiopia, e.t.c) as it is in America and well known, it is in Russia, of course in United Kingdom, In Israel,  In Asia (probably in china, in Iraq, In Iran, and Kuwait, In United Arab Emirates, In India, In Thailand, In Indonesia, In Malaysia! name them, as the matter of fact, Ford group operates in over 125 countries of the world.

 Quit threaping on your dream, it might have the tendency and the potential to positively revolutionize the entire human community, of course we ought to know, that the entire world is not yet at its better position not to talk about its best position, possibly enough science and technology might someday fade out or become one day an old idea,  that's it might someday become obsolete, or out of date, although it still at the starting point and yet, science and tech are not the end of the era or of this age! discoveries are still on, invention are still on, thinkers are thinking, dreamers ought to be dreaming!

Chidi young's opinion, do not think that it is impossible to revolutionize science and technology or to outwit it, because change is inevitable,  change are constant, in fact change is one of the things on earth that has the tendency to maintain its position as sure as the heaven does, change are certain. 


Here comes another chidi_young's qoute that will help drive home the point; ''change lives forever, Dreamers rules the world''.

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