The Art Of Leadership: The Power Of Patience and Understanding in Every Role By Chidi Young.


 One has to have patience and understanding to be able to work with people,'' says Chidi Young.

Patience and understanding are positive marks or qualities of a good leader. Leadership is not limited to the office; however, a family man or woman is a leader. A school teacher is a leader. A bus or taxi driver is a leader.


A cleaner or housekeeper can also be a leader.

A gatekeeper can also be a leader.

A shoe shiner can be a leader.

Whoever possesses PATIENCE and UNDERSTANDING will be respected, appreciated, admired, cherished, and wanted by those with whom they work in any walk of life.

 ✅As a young man who will someday become a father, you need patience and understanding.

 ✅As a young woman who will someday become a mother, you need patience and understanding. 

✅As a student who is on a certain course of education that will someday involve other people in one way or another, you need patience and understanding. 

✅As a medical practitioner whose work intertwines with people's lives, you need these two qualities, patience and understanding, to be an effective nurse or doctor.

The positions, in my opinion, that might not need patience and understanding are the positions of those with mental disorders, an imbecile person, a mad fellow. However, whoever lacks patience and understanding, according to the author of this work, Chidi Young , might be functioning like a mad fellow, a mentally disordered person, and might not know it.🤔

✅A hawker on the street needs patience and understanding. 

✅A plantain seller at a certain junction needs patience and understanding.

✅ A mechanic at a roadside or workshop needs patience and understanding.

✅ A food seller, be it at the hotel, motel, restaurant, or at the mama-put fast food, needs patience and understanding. 

✅A businessman or woman who welcomes the public on a daily basis needs patience and understanding. 

✅A pastor or clergyman or woman needs patience and understanding. 

✅A clerk, a lawyer, a police officer, a soldier need patience and understanding.

🗣️In Chidi Young's opinion, the task force called Aboro or Agbero might not need patience and understanding, and that's exactly why their behavior and actions are usually similar to mentally disordered individuals.

My question to you, my humble reader, friend, or follower is:

1) What is your work or job❓...................................................

2) How can you incorporate patience and understanding into your work or job or personal life❓...................................................

3) Where do you really think that you need patience and understanding in your life❓...................................................

✅A cook needs patience and understanding.

✅A farmer needs patience and understanding. The list goes on...

It's these positive marks or qualities of patience and understanding that make you a good leader in any walk of life or in any setting.


A) Do you want to be a good leader❓

B) What do you stand to gain as a good leader who possesses these positive marks or qualities of patience and understanding❓ You will stand to gain 1) Respect✅✅, 2) Appreciation✅✅, 3) Admiration✅✅, 4) Being cherished✅✅, and also 5) Being wanted or sought-after✅✅.

So, in my conclusion, you will gain these five I mentioned previously from individuals with whom you are in association. If ONLY you will give them two, which are Understanding of them (their opinion, perspective, and viewpoint), and be Patient with them, knowing that there are individual differences, and that is where maturity comes into play.

My wonderful reader, friend, or follower, I hope you can see very clearly that it's to your benefit; hence, you will have five from them if you will ONLY give out two to them. This means it's a win-win art. They win and you win. As a matter of fact, you are the one topping chart with an extra three; hence, what they will gain from you are two, and you are going to have five to yourself, plus the same two which you are giving out in the first place because you are the person that possesses those positive marks or qualities.

Read this article again; think about the whole thing and incorporate patience and understanding into your work, job, or personal life. Hence, you will lose nothing, and you will win instead.

Good Luck 🤞👍🎁


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