622 Days Of Recession Has Turned Many Nigerian's In To Hemi- Time Beggars .

Written By Chidi young

                            The situation of Nigeria has become what people really don't know how to go about it  , it has brought a nightmare which makes the day so long to break and keeps many people in a state of asking why . 

People keeps asking questions, but there is no answer to their questions .
Many keep on pointing at different angles from where they thought that will bring solution.

                                     "But The Question Is' Do the                                      
                                         Representatives Really Know What The                                                                                                  People Are Passing  Through ?       

The turned around on economy has truly shake everything,  the most of all, is the people are left powerless while little among them insist to talk it raw .

The government that the people are looking at, are seriously pointing at the international community by saying that what is going on is not only in Nigeria , it also happening to other countries like Venezuela ,Angola as well as some other countries in addition the said is affecting every oil producing Countries .
                              But This Is Another Question That Needs A Response, If the International Community Did Not Come To Nigeria Aid Or If Oil Did Not Normalized Again, Does It Mean That This Present  Administration Can Not Fix The Situation Or Can Not Find Solution To End This Recession In The Country? 

The louder the people are shouting the harder it becomes, we all know" that it is only the disable are known for begging, but because of this so called recession in the country, we find out that some of the able  are now becoming beggars because of the hardship in the country.
If they did not beg money for food, they beg money for transportation ,in the country where the abled are now beggars,  "what will the disabled do. 
Able but beggar
Image result for beggars

 "What can this Present Administration do, to help the people to Ameliorate Again ?

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