8 Body Exersices That Will Energise and keeps You Fit .



written by Chidi Young

As one eats food in other to get strength and others, so the same" body exercise is good for physical fitness.

 there are many ways in which one can be fit by doing one exercise or the other but to day i want to introduce to you these 8 body exercise power pack which has been tested over and over again and conformed to be one of the best in its kind. as we match out with its Video pack which will make it more beautiful and amazing easier for understanding .

The good news is with these 8 body exercise power pack, in less than 4 weeks, you will be amaze how physical fit you will be not only that though' but with boxy chest, flat tummy and arm muscular

     And so let get started .
#1) Foot To Foot Crunch :  

This is a kind of exercise that is only requires you to lie down on a short mat or rug with your face upwards, then the next you needs to do is to skew your legs after that, you use your right hand to touch your right foot and your left hand to touch your left foot, do this one after the other and maintain it until 30 seconds, this 30 seconds is just for a beginner after 30 seconds you move to next one .

#2) Alternating Curls Abs :

this is a kind of body exercise that requires you one thing which you need to do to keep the exercise going, the procedure is still the same with the first, which is lying down on a mat or short rug preferably rug secondly skew your legs then hold your head with your two hands as you raise your head up at the same time you raise one skewed leg up do this one after the other at least 30 seconds for a beginner.

After 30 seconds it is recovery time, recovery is the rest that takes place in the maximum of 30 seconds in other to get back strength to continue with the next exercise.
   Important hints : during this recovery time, take one glass of water.

#3) Push Through : 
this push through particularly is a kind of body exercise that some how seems to be outstanding from the rest of other 7 exercise power pack, this push through has two particular effect on the body building which is flat tummy and boxy chest.
How to do it is simple and fun, just lie down on a mat or rug, skew your legs, then push your two hands in between your skewed legs in and out continue this until 30 seconds / 30 times for a beginner.
Coming to the middle which is the fourth one, is what we called 4 Times Abs

#4) 4 Times Abs :  

by looking at it, it seems to be the simplest among these 8  body exercise .
Procedure is also simple with the same method of lying down on a short mat or rug with your face upwards, put your two hands under your head, stretch your legs then lift your leg up one after the other and bring it down the same way, maintain doing it until 30 seconds for a beginner.

After this fourth one it is time for recovery. 
Which is to get some strength back in other to continue with the next exercise.
Mind you, this recovery period is 30 seconds and
Important hints : during this recovery time, take one glass of water.

After the recovery the next we are to talk about is the fifth one.

#5) Arm Reaching Crunch :
 this arm reaching crunch has similarities with push through, the same process of lying down and skew your legs but the different on this, as you are lying down place your palms on your skewed laps then raise your head to rob your skewed laps up and down, keep doing it until 30 seconds for a beginner 

#6) Leg Up Touch Crunch :

  this kind is the one I considered the most stressful but it is fun too.
It has the same process of lying down with your face upwards, secondly raise your two legs up standstill now move your two hands to touch your shank, maintain doing it till 30 seconds for a beginner.

                                   After the 30 seconds it is recovery time.
 The purpose of recovery is to get back some strength in other to continue after 30 seconds to the next exercise which is second to last in our today segment. 

#7) Cross Arm Crunch :
 the same process of lying down applied, skew your legs, then cross your arm over your chest and start raising your head up and down, count it until it reaches 30 times or 30 seconds.
After it we moved to the least but not the last for today body training / exercise  which is double crunch. ""

#8) double crunch :
this double crunch body exercise is really amazing by looking at it, it is a kind that everyone will love to do because of the way it is .
The process is not different from others, the same way of lying down is still applied, raise your tight up and bend your knee then stretch your two hands towards your raised up foot then do like you want to draw the rope of your shoe and the same time push your foots forward and backward , maintain doing it for the same 30 seconds .
               WATCH THE VIDEO.
      We will be stopping at this point, if you find this article interesting share it out

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